CTIA Certification Adds Mission-Critical Push-to-Talk (PTT) Tests for Public Safety Communications

October 22, 2024

WASHINGTON CTIA Certification today announced the development of new certification testing for mission-critical push-to-talk (PTT) devices key to public safety communications. The program features 37 new mission critical PTT test cases that will validate the ability of PTT devices to deliver secure and reliable connectivity in emergency environments.

“These new PTT test cases are vital toward ensuring mission-critical PTT devices meet the highest standards of performance and security,” said Tom Sawanobori, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer. “By standardizing these mission-critical PTT tests, we’re helping first responders to enable secure connectivity for the safety and wellbeing of communities.”

Public safety agencies increasingly rely on wireless broadband to provide mission critical services in emergency environments. This underscores the need for 3GPP standards-based tests to ensure that devices used in emergency and public safety operations are reliable, secure, and capable of supporting the critical needs of first responders.

These new mission critical PTT test cases are from PTCRB, a CTIA device certification program. These tests were developed by stakeholders across the wireless industry, underscoring the industry’s broad commitment to enhancing and supporting public safety communications. Rohde & Schwarz provided the advanced test and measurement technology needed for the tests.

“The wireless industry’s collaboration on these mission critical PTT test cases demonstrates a shared commitment to advancing public safety technology,” said Alexander Pabst, Vice President of Wireless Communications at Rohde & Schwarz. “Bringing in our expertise and being the first to provide the needed testing solutions that ensure that these devices meet the stringent requirements for mission critical PTT operations, fills us with pride.”—

CTIA Certification™ is the global leader in certification for the wireless industry since 1991. Trusted certification programs set the standard for devices, technicians, test laboratories, and repair service facilities. The PTCRB certification program provides confidence that devices conform with global standards and perform optimally on mobile wireless networks.