Accordion Block

The accordion block allows child panels to be added as needed. The accordion has options of showing the first panel as open on page load (recommended). In addition you can select if multiple panels are allowed to be open at the same time (recommended) or if opening one panel will close the others.

Arrow Button Block

The arrow button allows you to create a link to a new page or to file. Files have the option of opening in the same page, a new tab or to trigger a download.

All options for this block are updated in the inspector controls (the right column), including link text, link accessibility text, color, link or download and more.

The link accessibility text field allows for additional text to announced to users with assistive technology. We recommend adding more descriptive text when the link text is generic such as the default “Learn More”

Card Block

The card block is generally included as part of a larger block such as the Card Section or Content and Card blocks.

The card block allows for the use of an image, icons are recommended (all approved icons have been loaded into the media library for use), a title, optional paragraph text and the button arrow for a link or media file.

Card Title

Card Text

File List Card Block

The file list card block is generally included as part of a larger block such as the Card Section or Content and Card blocks. This is an alternate card block that allows for a list of files to be added to the page

Card Section Block

The card section block is made up of a collection of child blocks. The title and optional paragraph of text are the Section Heading block. The card or file card list blocks are contained in the Card Grid block. The card grid allows you to select if you want to show 2 or 3 cards in a row.

Example Title

Optional Intro paragraph. The title and intro paragraph are actually part of the Section Heading block. The text alignment can be set to left aligned by updating a style in that block.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Example Title


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Certification Process Block

The certification process block allows you to create a grid of Certification Process Cards, four across or three across, that shows the certification process.

It is possible to show different processes in a single block. When this happens we will show a dropdown menu under the main title that allows the user to select which process to show.

To add an addition process select the Certification Process block in Gutenberg. A menu of options will appear on the upper left, there is a plus arrow, when hovered will read, Add Process. Click that button and we add a new grid of Certification Process Cards. All options set in the inspector controls, such as the number of cards across and the process title (displayed in the dropdown) relate to the current process grid.

When there are multiple process grids you can do the following:

The Certification Process


Manufacturer submits a request for certification via the certification database — located on the PTCRB website.


Manufacturer selects a primary lab.

Determine Test Required

Primary lab determines testing required for device based upon individual device capabilities.


Primary lab submits the required documentation to the certification database upon completion of testing.


Manufacturer submits the necessary documentation required to the PTCRB certification database.


Manufacturer makes payment for certification to CTIA


CTIA ensures all requirements have been met.


PTCRB certification notice is issued to the manufacturer.













Certification Programs Block

The certification programs block allows you to show multiple Certification Programs (Program post type) in a single space. Only one program is shown at a time and the user can use the dropdown to switch between.

To add an addition program select the Certification Programs block in Gutenberg. A menu of options will appear on the upper left, there is a plus arrow, when hovered will read, Add Program. You can also add a new program in the program selection dropdown.

When the program block loads you will see an input with the text Search for Programs… click into that and start to type the name of the program. Select the one you want and we will auto populate the title and excerpt from the post type. The related resources slider will also auto-populate.

The Related Links have text but need to have the links manually populated. When creating the links you’ll need to remember to add the hash to the HTML anchor for that section (/page-url/#section-hash).

You have the ability to:

Choose a Device Certification Program

Sample Text

Related Links

Download Documents

Battery Compliance Certification

The CTIA Certification program for battery compliance is at the forefront of ensuring mobile device batteries are high quality and reliable. The program permits operators and their suppliers to validate a lithium ion battery’s compliance with the IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Cellular Telephones (IEEE Std 1725™) and the IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Multi-Cell Mobile Computing Devices (IEEE Std 1625™).

Related Links

Download Documents

Content and Card Block

The content and card block examples below. The first example shows the default settings when the block is added.

The second example shows the block with the style of Single Column set, it is intended to not have a card when used. Simply delete the card block.

The third example shows the use of the File Card List block. Delete the default card block that is added and then click the plus button to add the File Card List.

Example Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor…

Card Title

Single Column Style Example

You’ll want to delete the card block when this is used

Single Column Style Example

You’ll want to delete the card block when this is used

File List Card

Content Post Slider

The content post slider allows you to manually select items for the slider or to show the latest of a single post type. Your post type options are News or Resources (defaults to news). You can then drill down to only show content from a particular taxonomy that is related to that post type.

Example Heading

Example text

Showcasing CTIA Certification at DISTRIBUTECH

In February, CTIA Certification traveled to Orlando, Florida, for DISTRIBUTECH International, the leading energy industry event in the country. DISTRIBUTECH brings together utility and technology providers to showcase the cutting-edge technologies that power our homes and businesses. Over 18,000 professionals attended the conference, with more than 650 exhibitors from the…

Ericsson and CTIA Certification recognizes GE Vernova’s MDS Orbit as industry’s first device IoT Network Certified for Smart Connected Infrastructure™

Ericsson and CTIA Certification announced the certification of GE Vernova’s MDS™ Orbit cellular devices, enhancing security and reliability in critical infrastructure The MDS Orbit’s successful certification sets a new industry standard and underscores the importance of security-conscious device deployment This certification helps ensure the safety and resilience of critical infrastructure,…

IoT Network Certified and Our 5G Future: Transforming Lives and Industries

By: Tom Sawanobori, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, CTIA 5G’s nationwide networks were launched just a few years ago, and 5G is already changing life as we know it. The advent of 5G has facilitated a significant increase in the number of IoT devices and applications, boosting business…

Call to Action Block

The Call to Action Block is designed to be the last element on the page and it will sit over the footer and larger screens. This block is able to be converted to a Reusable Block. This means that you are able to use the same block on multiple pages and when the content is updated it will update on all pages where it is used.

Call to Action Title

Call to action text for

Data Grid Block

The data grid block allows for two or three data cards to be displayed. You can switch between the two by updating the style in the inspector controls.

The blue background and image overlay are from the design but can be updated in the inspector controls.


Text related to number


Text related to number


Text related to number

FAQs Block

Example Title

Example text

Feature Block

Sub Title

Feature Title

Example of a feature with two images


Feature Title

Example of a feature with one image

File List Block

In-page Navigation Block

The in-page navigation block is just a styled list that you add in-page links to. In order to make an in-page link select the block you want to link to. In the inspector controls look for the Advanced panel. Enter text into the HTML anchor field, note any space is converted into a dash. Copy the text that you entered into that field and go back to the in-page navigation block. Type the name of the link and then highlight it and click the link icon. For the link put a hashtag followed by the text you entered in the HTML anchor field.

An example in-page link might be #featured-block, #certification-program or #card-section.

Narrative Block

The narrative block is used to create a slider of Narrative Cards which are created directly in this block. A few important things to note:

Additional Brand Story Narrative

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Aenean eu leo quam. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Cras mattis consectetur purus.

A Why? Headline

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

A Why? Headline

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

A Why? Headline with a Very Long Description lorem

A Why? Headline

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

Columned Navigation and Files

This block is used on the Certification Programs and Single Program designs. It was designed to allow for a title and columns of either in-page links or files. The example below shows one column of each.

To create the links simply use the paragraph block (default block) for each line and add your link. Remember that in-page links need to have HTML anchor found in the Advanced panel in the inspector controls filled out. The link will be the same text that is entered there with the addition a hash before it, #html-anchor-text.

For the file list click the plus button in the column and add the file list block.

Participating Companies Block

Participating Companies

Example Text

Section Heading Block

The section heading block simply an H2 for the title and an optional paragraph. This block is by default centered but it can also be left aligned.

Section Heading Block

The section heading block simply an H2 for the title and an optional paragraph. This block is by default centered but it can also be left aligned.

Team Grid Block

Our Team










The YouTube Feature block has the following fields:

Title of Video

Text about the video.

Featured Post Slider

Showcasing CTIA Certification at DISTRIBUTECH

In February, CTIA Certification traveled to Orlando, Florida, for DISTRIBUTECH International, the leading energy industry event in the country. DISTRIBUTECH brings together utility and technology providers to showcase the cutting-edge technologies that power our homes and businesses. Over 18,000 professionals attended the conference, with more than 650 exhibitors from the…

Ericsson and CTIA Certification recognizes GE Vernova’s MDS Orbit as industry’s first device IoT Network Certified for Smart Connected Infrastructure™

Ericsson and CTIA Certification announced the certification of GE Vernova’s MDS™ Orbit cellular devices, enhancing security and reliability in critical infrastructure The MDS Orbit’s successful certification sets a new industry standard and underscores the importance of security-conscious device deployment This certification helps ensure the safety and resilience of critical infrastructure,…

IoT Network Certified and Our 5G Future: Transforming Lives and Industries

By: Tom Sawanobori, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, CTIA 5G’s nationwide networks were launched just a few years ago, and 5G is already changing life as we know it. The advent of 5G has facilitated a significant increase in the number of IoT devices and applications, boosting business…

Featured Resource Header